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Framework agreement between Scuola Sant'Anna and Unione Industriale Pisana renewed: knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of the territory

The signature of Rector Sabina Nuti and President Andrea Madonna: this is how academia and business want to make a difference to increase competitiveness

Publication date: 06.03.2024
Firma convenzione quadro con Unione Industriale Pisana
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The collaboration between the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and Unione Industriale Pisana, a territorial association that is a member of Confindustria, has been consolidated: training, research, technology transfer, and internship and work opportunities for students are the fields of reference at the center of the renewed framework agreement signed by Rector Sabina Nuti and President Andrea Madonna to promote an even closer relationship between academia and business. Researcher Luca Gori and director Carlo Frighetto have been designated as the contact persons in charge of following up on the agreement.

For training activities, the new agreement provides for "an exchange of skills and experiences". The Sant'Anna School will be able to propose to enterprises and companies of the Unione Industriale Pisana to participate in advanced training courses, conventions, conferences, seminars, especially those on issues related to the development of competitiveness and the introduction of innovative technologies. Unione Industriale Pisana will be able to make available experiences and testimonies of its members to contribute to training activities and research projects promoted by the School's interdisciplinary Institutes and Centers. The framework agreement also favors the instances of the business world, to facilitate the insertion of honours students into the world of work, starting with the offer of internships and apprenticeships at member companies and enterprises, to make the knowledge and skills acquired during training increasingly complete and "spendable".

For research, the collaboration between Sant'Anna School and Unione Industriale Pisana takes concrete form through participation in projects, including joint ones, while for technology transfer, the agreement provides for the sharing of technical and scientific knowledge for the benefit of member companies, "to intensify the effects of scientific and technological research in the enhancement of the resources of the territory of the province of Pisa". Lastly, professors and researchers from the Sant'Anna School will be able to give lectures at update and in-depth courses organized by the Unione Industriale Pisana. Through this new framework agreement, the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies is helping to increase its impact on the economic and productive network of Pisa and its province, in line with its Strategic Orientation Plan.

Cover photo: the Pector Sabina Nuti and the President Andrea Madonna.